
Welcome to by Blog! I am a 2nd year Occupational Therapy Student completing a paper called Participation in Occupation. The purpose of this paper is to introduce technology as a useful and meaningful way that people can engage in occupations using technology and how this can be incorporated into therapy. I hope you enjoy my learning journey!

Participation in Occupation

Participation in Occupation

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tutorial Six: The Internet and Online Communities

I have recently been on a five week Fieldwork placement in two aged care facilities, so I decided to look at New Zealand based online communities for the over 50's. Grown ups (http://www.grownups.co.nz/) was launched in June 2006 after initial feedback from Senior Net and currently it is visited by 100,000 unique visitors each month. Senior Net is a well known community organisation who has helped hundreds of mature New Zealanders to learn to use computers. According to the website, Grown ups began as an idea to provide a New Zealand service for mature people, looking for other computer/technology savvy people of a similar age to interact with, in conversation and information sharing.

Services: The Grown Ups website provides useful and interesting information for the over 50's. It is an independant free site, maintained by advertising and sponsorship. Topics include lifestyle, health, food, travel, finance, retirement options and many more and participants are encouraged to contribute by adding articles, images, comments or information on clubs, organisations and events. According to one of the administrators, Grown Ups have little trouble with inappropriate material being added which he put down to the mature clients who were attracted to the website, however Grown Ups did have a disclaimer regarding information published (R. Poole, personal communication, 23 May, 2010).

In addition to the information pages, there are many interactive activities to enjoy on the site including competitions, games which are changed daily, opportunities to find other like minded people to to create online friendships, special offers from advertisers and live streaming to Solid Gold FM Radio Station.

However the most used page, according to the website, is the Discussion Groups, with threads created about a whole range of topics. I have also spent a few enjoyable hours on the chat room talking to other people around New Zealand, many whom have been 'chatting' for up to four years on Grown Ups. They were mostly very busy people in the community, enjoying a range of activities such as gardening, geneology, Senior Net, sports and involved in family activities.

so..."why do people choose to contribute to this community?"

This online community offers many hours of occupation in reading, discovering, listening and chatting. It can connect other computer/technology savvy peolpe of a similar age who are keen to share information and conversation.

It helps to seek out the ususual, linking groups and individuals in a range of interesting topics, that may not be available in their geographical area, such as geneology.

People can share life events, stay in touch and share photos.

They can remain informed without having to leave their homes, especially during cold winter months or due to illness, disability or immobility.

The hardware and software that is used, is very technical which stimulates problem solving and allows many hours of productive occupation.

Potential ethical issues:
There are a range of ethical issues on any website and these include:
  • Lack of real identity in chatrooms
  • Identities can be stolen
  • Misuse of telecommunication tools
  • Digitized information that can be easily copied, altered or transferred across borders.
  • Copyright can be breached
  • Information can be used or misused on the internet illegally, with little or no control.

With technology changing so fast, often ethical impacts have not been foreseen and methods of eliminating or reducing them have not been developed. Grown ups administrators advised me that the website is monitored and has a disclaimer however they have had few issues which they put down to the mature age of those attracted to the site (R. Poole, personal communication, 23 May, 2010).

There are also the social ethical implications to consider. Although the internet and social chat rooms can be wonderful in opening up the world for us from our table top, excess use of the computer can alienate us from our social contacts that are closest to home. Excessive use can reduce conversation and interaction with family and friends which can cause isolation and lonliness and be distructive to relationships.

so..."what are the benefits that this community holds over traditional notions of community?" Grown Ups provides networking, linking individuals and groups together, sharing of information and can foster understanding and unity.

It provides easy access to information without having to leave the house, although the reliability and validity of the informaton is not assured.

It allows a greater area of communication, such as the ability to talk to people from all over the world, connecting with family and new and old friends.

It increases our ability to engage in a range of occupations that may not be easily accessible on our own local community.

It exposes us to other cultures.

For a person with a disability, it can open up the world for them, allowing them to be involved in a community that may be difficult to access due to lack of mobility or health.

Essentially, an online community can compliment real life communities.

On the opposite side of the coin..."what does this community lack or cannot provide which traditional communities can?"

The most obvious one to me is, if the power fails or the computer breaks down, you are alienated from your online community leaving you isolated and alone. On my recent Fieldwork placement, I had no internet availability and I felt very isolated from my family and fellow students!

Online communities lack the personal interaction, such as the visual and aural stimuli of peoples smiles and laughter, the touch in a hug or a handshake or the smell of a familiar perfume or aftershave that that you associate with that person. It lacks the warmth of a good conversation and the feeling of a connection.

Syntax, which is commonly used in online conversations, can be misunderstood or messages can become confused which is less likely in face to face conversations.

The OT perspective : Online communities for the over 50's are certainly gaining popularity and serve as a wonderful communication site which can compliment other real life communities and provide meaningful and purposeful occupation.

Wii-Hab: Video Game Therapy

Bruno's enthusiasm