
Welcome to by Blog! I am a 2nd year Occupational Therapy Student completing a paper called Participation in Occupation. The purpose of this paper is to introduce technology as a useful and meaningful way that people can engage in occupations using technology and how this can be incorporated into therapy. I hope you enjoy my learning journey!

Participation in Occupation

Participation in Occupation

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Flickr....Creating a Flickr Badge

Flickr is for online photograph storage which is an amazing way of protecting your phots and an easy way to share your photos with friends and family wherever they are.

To create a Flickr Badge on your Blog, follow these instructions:

1. Go to www.flickr.com and follow the prompts to create your account.

2. Load your photographs into your Flickr account from a file or email account.

3. Enter www.flickr.com/badge.gne

4. Choose an HTML badge or a Flash Badge. A Flash Badge requires you to have Adobe Flash, otherwise choose HTML which can be viewed on all home computers.

5. Choose the photos you want to include in your Blog.

6. Click on Layout.

7. Choose how many photos you want to display at one time, the orientation and the size of the photos.

8. Font - personalise your text style, border, background and links....there is lots to choose from!

9. Copy and paste the code for your Flickr account into your Blog.

10. Well done, you can now access your Flickr photos from your Blog.

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